.--------------------------. | BGBBS Lister Online Help | `--------------------------' BGBBS Lister is a simple way for other sysops to advertise their BBS. .-----------------. |Main Menu Options| `-----------------' [1] View the BBS list When selected you will be prompted to how you wish to view the list, Would you like to see a [s]hort quick list or a [F]ull detailed list? If you select 's' you will be presented with a list of all the BBS in the list in a short form only displaying the BBS Name, Sysop's name, Open Hours and Computer Supported. If you select 'f' you will be presented witºÑºÓdetailed list of BBS in the list. All known details of the BBS will be shown. [2] Search BBS list Lost the number to your favorite BBS have we? When you select this option you will be givern the option to either type in a BBS name or Sysop name that you wish to search for. The search is not case sensitive so 'Ben Gaunt' will be treated the same as 'ben gaunt' or even 'BEN GAUNT'. If a match is found during the search the BBS details will be displayed to the screen. [3] Download BBS list (ASCII TEXT) When selected all the BBS data will be made into a ASCII text file. This file can then be downloaded by you and read offline. [4] Add a BBS to the list When selected you are prompted to enter details about the BBS you wish to add to the list. You have a chance to abort the entry at the end. [5] Delete a BBS from the list If you need to delete a BBS from the list then select this option. IMPORTANT: You can only delete entries from the list that you entered. If for some reason there is an entry on the list that should not be there please contact the Sysop and he/she will remove it for you. [6] Help Desplays this help file. [7] Exit Shuts down the BBS Lister and returns you to the BBS. Have fun...